Forensic Department

About Forensic Medicine & Toxicology Department


  • To helpĀ  students to learn the legal aspects of medical practice.
  • To understand the harmful effects poisons on human body its diagnosis and management.


At the end of the course the student shall be able to,

  • Examine the Medico legal case and prepare Medico legal reports and certificates accordingly.

  • Conduct medico legal postmortem examination and interpret appropriate autopsy findings.

  • Make them aware about legal and ethical aspects of medical practice.

  • To make them aware about Legal procedures in the court of law.

  • Collect and preserve the samples in medico legal cases and their evidentiary utilization in the court of law.

  • To make them aware about diagnosis and management of poisoning.

  • To identify the effects of poisons on human body in ante mortem as well as in postmortem cases.


NameRegistration NoQualificationDesignationPhoto
Dr. Santosh Mangalkar65615MBBS, MD MicrobiologyAssociate Professor
Dr. Krishan Kumar 2022/07/4404 MBBSJunior Resident
Dr. Kuldeep Patidar2024/01/0099MBBSJunior Resident